The events team are an important driving force behind the Awards and represent our healthcare and social care services.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s team members are from the following services:
• Thornfield House, Bradford
• Thornfield Grange, County Durham
• Nightingale, Bournemouth
• Cygnet Hospital Derby, East Midlands
• Cygnet Hospital Woking, South East
• Cygnet Raglan House, West Midlands
We also have support from service users from the Francis Willis Unit at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust and Rampton Hospital in Nottinghamshire.
The first team meeting will be taking place later this month on Zoom, this will give the team a change to get to know each other and get started on plans. Following this, we hope to meet up in smaller regional groups to complete tasks and make decisions.
For those looking for more ways to get involved, keep your eyes on our website where we are about to announce some exciting opportunities for Entertainers and Service User Judges.
Congratulations to our 2022 team!