The categories, finalists and winners of the 2016 National Service User Awards were as follows:
Community, Social or Vocational Initiative
Soapy Suds Car and Valeting Services
Guild Lodge, Champion Business Steering Group, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Soapy Suds is based on real work experience for service users. Service users decided to develop a car washing service after a complaint was made about the condition of the pool cars. It was then decided not to just clean pook cars but develop a car washing service.
Other finalists:
It’s Not Just About The Game!
Stockton Hall Hospital, Partnerships in Care
Ridgeway Recovery Awards
Ridgeway, Roseberry Park, Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Trust
Mentally Sound Radio Show
Mental Health North East/Comic Relief Service Users In Action Project in Partnership With MHNE, MHM, NET And Launched
Involvement to Innovate
Governance and Quality Department, Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
Recovery and the Arts
‘Hope – The Little Hoot Trail’ Community Art Project
St Andrews Healthcare, Birmingham
‘Hope’ was designed as part of a community art project. Patients chose the theme of ‘Recovery’ to increase understanding and reduce stigma around mental illness. Patients named and designed every element of ‘Hope’ in art sessions and went on leave to view other owls around Birmingham.
Other finalists:
Shared Recovery: A Journey in Secure Care Film
River House Medium Secure Unit, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Helping Others Be Positive DS
Wyvern Ward, Cygnet Health Care
The Big Blue Music Festival
Cygnet Hospital Bierley, Cygnet Health Care
‘Tree of Hopes and Dreams for 2016
Reaside Clinic, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Breaking Down Barriers
“The Voice” Peer Support Group
Springfield Hospital, Southwest London & St George’s
“Thw Voice” launched in March 2015 and is the Forensic Service’s first peer support group, supporting people who hear voices and have other sensory experiences. From the start the group has been an example of true co-production within the service. An ex-forensic service user returns weekly to facilitate the group.
Other finalists:
Leo the St Andrew’s Healthcare Lion: Diversity & Inclusion Mascot
St Andrew’s Healthcare, Northampton
Service User Involvement in new staff interviews – co –working with staff
Kemple View Recovery Team, Partnerships in Care
Service Users Patient Educators
Guild Lodge Specialist Services, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Service User Experience Focus Groups
The Hellingly Centre and The Chichester Centre, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Health and Wellbeing
Dr Feelwell Health Promotion Resource
Ashworth Hospital, Merseycare NHS Trust
Making healthy choices is not high on the agenda of patients in our service. Making decisions about physical health sit a lot lower in their immediate priorities. This is largely due to their personal situation and a lack of hope. Poor physical health can contribute to a poor mental health recovery.
Other finalists:
Risk Café
Austen & Branwell wards, Cygnet Hospital Wyke
Radio Ravenswood
Specialised Services, Ravenswood House, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Positive Box and Meeting
Wyvern Unit, Cygnet Hospital Derby
Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Day
Myrtle Ward, Scott Clinic MSU, Merseycare NHS Trust
Outstanding Service User Achievement Award
All About Me – Deaf Recovery Package, National Deaf Services
English recovery tools are inaccessible to Deaf service users. Therefore Deaf service users from several national organisations have worked together, with support from staff to create a Deaf Recovery Package consisting on a BSL film, workbook and user-friendly form templates.
Other finalists:
Painting and Decorating
Swale, Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Service User Led Staff / Student Induction
Wyvern Unit, Cygnet Health Care
Ashworth Hospital Service User Awards Events Support Team
Ashworth Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust
Media Crew
Ashworth Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust
Service User Choice Award
The Big Blue Music Festival
Cygnet Hospital Bierley, Cygnet Health Care
The Big Blue Music Festival is a music festival held by service users, for service users. It encourages everyone at Cygnet Hospital Bierley to get involved and perform to the audience and showcase their talents whether it is music, art, comedy, or spoken word whilst raising money for charity.