
1st 2020 National Service User Awards Team Meeting

After appointing our Service User Events team last month, on Wednesday 16th October we were able to hold a meeting to bring everyone together to begin plans for the National Service User Awards 2020.

NSUA 2020 Service User Events Team Appointed

In August we launched our search for this year’s team of service users to assist planning the National Service User Awards 2020. This year we had 25 applications which were all so fantastic that each one has been offered a position within the team.

Finalists announced for the 2019 National Service User Awards

We are delighted to announce the shortlisted finalists for the National Service User Awards 2019. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Wednesday 1st May 2019 in a black tie gala event at the Colwick Hall, Nottingham.

NSUA Judging Day 2019

Tuesday 5th February saw Kelham Hall in Nottingham host the National Service User Awards 2019 Judging Day. 15 service users from around the country joined our expert panel to narrow numerous entries down to just 25.